Our Services

Odor Control / Disinfectant / Deodorizer

Did you know that you could be sharing your carpets and beds with anywhere from 100,000 to 10,000,000 dust mites? These microscopic organisms, which are related to spiders, live in many homes. Too small to see with the naked eye, dust mites thrive in warm humid environments – eating dead skin cells and nesting in dust-collecting bedding, fabric, carpet, and furnishings. The residue that dust mites leave behind, in the form of their feces and decaying bodies, mixes with dust and becomes airborne. Inhaling the residue can cause bothersome allergy symptoms including wheezing, sneezing, watery eyes, and runny nose.

Similarly, the problem occurs with fungus as well. Molds produce tiny spores to reproduce. Mold spores waft through the indoor and outdoor air continually. When mold spores land on a damp spot indoors, they may begin growing and digesting whatever they are growing on in order to survive. When excessive moisture or water accumulates indoors, mold growth will occur particularly if the moisture problem remains undiscovered.

The way to control indoor mold growth is to sanitize your carpets and upholstery more often. These and many other allergens (agents that cause allergy symptoms) such as pet dander, cockroaches, and molds in your house can trigger allergic symptoms; house dust mites and fungus are the main culprits in indoor allergies. The inside of your home actually traps allergens, making them impossible to avoid. The most common symptoms associated with exposure to these allergens include nasal stuffiness, eye irritation, wheezing, and/or aggravation of asthma. Carpet and Upholstery in your home trap such dust mites and fungus providing the perfect condition to survive. Carpets that are not properly cleaned and sanitized produce poor air quality in your home which is unhealthy, especially for people with respiratory problems. Furthermore, babies and small children always tend to crawl and play on the carpets and are exposed the most to these unhealthy allergens!

The Only Effective way to control it is to use DryMaster’s “Out the Odor”!

A DryMaster Professional can apply a special carpet deodorizer and sanitizer to kill and reduce unhealthy bacteria, dust mites, and fungus in your carpets as well as unwanted pet and mildew odors. Our sanitizer is the market-leading brand. Demand the healthy home service which has been used by DryMaster Systems for over 15 years. Our sanitizer, “Out the Odor” has been used for years and has proven itself over and over again with unsurpassed qualities. It is non-toxic, safe for kids, pets, and families, and environmentally friendly. “Out the Odor” TM has a fresh non-allergen scent that will last and sanitize your carpets and upholstery for months to come. Protect your family and home by demanding the best!

Carpet & Upholstery Stain Resistant Treatment

Are you tired of spills and stains being embedded in your carpet? It is always a pleasure to see how clean and bright your carpets look after they have been professionally cleaned. Finally, thanks to the DryMaster’s advanced technology, now you can keep them looking bright and clean by applying DryMaster’s Carpet Protestant Next time you clean your carpets, ask to protect them with the DryMaster MAXSHIELD.

MAXSHIELD has a solvent-based, deep penetrating formula that evaporates quickly, leaving an invisible protecting shield around each carpet fiber. This protective barrier turns your carpets to be repellent to spills, dust, and dirt. Amazingly, it helps prevent dirt and spills from being absorbed into the carpet fibers giving you the chance to wipe them before staining can occur and as a result, it makes clean-ups easier. By applying MAXSHIELD, the carpets will look cleaner, brighter, and fresher for much longer. MAXSHIELD is odorless, invisible, and safe to use on all types of carpets. MAXSHIELD is non-toxic and safe for the environment, families, and pets.

Carpets treated with MAXSHIELD require less cleaning frequency since your carpet stays spotless longer. Thus, you save money by not having to clean your carpets as frequently.

DryMaster’s MAXSHIELD is a revolutionary product that provides more repellency than any other carpet protector on the market today. MAXSHIELD increases the lifespan of your carpet, makes carpets easier to maintain and care for and it’s a great soil protectant for all types of carpets. So the next time you have your carpets professionally cleaned, you should insist on using MAXSHIELD.Out The Odo

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